When Angels Dance
It seems nothing matters as they are all over, up & down praising and worshipping God. These angelic beings cared less about their own gains but all that mattered is the interest and the care of the FATHER.
Nothing to eat, play or calling for attention. Suddenly my eyes popped and I saw a scene. Wao! I had under or overestimated these beings.
A party! It’s obvious they are about to have a party. Their emotions were tangible; I could literally touch it. The angels are expressing the heart of Elohim. The party was more than ordinary. Joy and great rejoicing spelt out everywhere.
What could be moving the angelic beings into an emotional expression?
Caught Pants Down
They were caught pants down.
The eye witness(es) exclaimed,
before a public court she was summoned.
One was set free,
in his right as a man,
it was permitted.
Might have mixed with the crowd or stood by,
maybe this was not be his first.
The other, the woman,
who accepted his appeals,
guilty as charged.
Loud was the voice from within,
she pled guilty,
imprisoned in her soul,
she wouldn’t try to escape,
even if the doors were open
Multiple Voices
Every time you set out to fulfill a goal, task, assignment or purpose; You are bound to hear voices other than one, making strong impression on the walls of your mind. You get exalted as a judge before a debate panelist “for” and “against”. But at this cross junction of 3,4,5,6 roads as the case maybe, only one leads to your destiny and purpose. Only one is true, the others may be likened to the similitude between the wheat and the tares.
So Much Blood On The High-Way
As I took a seat on the second row of the 14- seater inter-state bus, I looked around to see the persons I will be exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide with. Their faces told their stories and experiences. Different religious beliefs. As their faces differed, so did their values, exposure and educational state.
The checking-in was done and all luggage found their way into the trunk, underneath the seats and the aisle weren’t spared. Next the driver took his seat and a slender man with a big Bible under his arm joined-in, not having a seat, he stood and shut the door.
A New Law
They held tenaciously to the law. The Law written by the Author of Creation and handed down to Moses.
The One who was from the beginning, whose finger had written the Law stooped after He had asked a question that released their smeared and caged conscience on them. Could He be writing a new Law? The job was done and one by one they dropped the stones that would have confirmed their judgement on the woman.
“Go, and sin no more” the one who had the power to forgive sin declared.
A new Law had been written.
The new is the updated of the old with a feature that inputs the ability to fulfill the law and live above sin.
Down Times
Bond by blood because they are cousins. The pregnancy of the senior one, a case that seemed impossible but six months after, was the confirmation of the words told the younger by an angel. They both gave birth to sons about seven months apart. Foretold of the prophets their birth and assignments, confirmed by the angels, these two were born but didn’t meet each other for thirty years because the elder was driven into the wilderness by the Spirit as he lived on honey and locust. John as he was called knew clearly his call and assignment. He was asked several times to describe himself. Titles like prophet, Messiah was suggested to him but his response was clear ” I AM THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD”
Suya Treatment
.Lagos- Benin route has been shortened due to my frequency on that route. The suya men and their marketing representatives have insisted to be counted. Infact you can not deny the impression they make on you if you ever plied Lagos/Benin road on commercial transport. Your driver most likely will insist on stopping at Ore as most eateries lure them with incentives just to get their passengers into the pool of buyers. You will barely get down from your vehicle before you see an army of representatives with a piece of barbecue stuck in a tooth pick offering you to eat so you can have a taste. They seem nice and caring at first especially if you’re new to the route. You wouldn’t need a second visit at the popular Ore exchange terminals to be schooled on the motives and plans of these suya merchants
The Fatherhood of God
All it takes to be a biological father may be a sperm donor but fatherhood is a state or an office. With a determined picture of what he want for a son, take the child through the process and experiences that has a predetermined outcome. Today the family system is failing and values depleting because may a father have swap roles as fathers with the office of fatherhood for sperm donors.
I will like us to take some lessons from our heavenly father, that we may understand fatherhood that we may fill the earth with sons of God.