Lambert nwajagu

Living Tips

Adam & Eve

There has been a tremendous attack on the family institution. Sharing God’s views on Love, Sex & Marriage through conferences and seminars, books, and articles. 

Today's mom

In a fast-changing world, we offer training, teaching, and counsel for single Moms who lack the support of the male figure to create the balance for the development of their children


Pre & Post Marital Counselling as a vehicle in strengthen in the family system and marriage institution

Pastor's prayer

Questions & Answers

We attempt to answer the uncommon question that can help the development of the total man

Success & leadership

Under our Power-up programme, we deliberately nurture and mentor the next generation.

the big picture

Turning dumpsite into glory site. This was the vision the Lord showed me as I was called into the Ministry to serve God and humanity. Every life that we encounter undergoes transformation to the glory of God